
The Women’s Home Receives Tax Credits for New Permanent Supportive Housing:

In March, 2014, the Houston City Council voted yes to a Resolution of Support for a tax credit application for The Women’s Home Phase II housing project. This affirmative vote helped bring The Women’s Home one step closer to significant funding that will aid in the construction of an additional Permanent Supportive Housing complex for women and their families. More than 44 speakers were present at the City Council meeting the day before the vote, including Board Members and volunteers from The Women’s Home, Spring Branch neighbors, and representatives from other partners of The Way Home.

We received this update over the weekend from Paula Paust, Executive Director at The Women’s Home:

“We are so excited to announce our award for the 9% tax credits for The Women’s Home Housing Project Phase II. This represents a $10 million award! We could not have accomplished this without the commitment and support you gave us by speaking and providing letters to the City Council on our behalf. You helped us convey the message of our mission to show that those most vulnerable in our community are worthy of support from all of us. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

For more information on The Women’s Home, visit their website.