CampaignsEnding HomelessnessNews

A new and improved online donation experience!

The Coalition for the Homeless is so thankful for the monthly donors who contribute to the Welcome Home Fund. Their ongoing support has allowed us to provide move-in essentials to thousands of clients that have moved into permanent housing through The Way Home.

The Coalition is currently transitioning its online donation software from Abila to Network For Good. This transition is a major upgrade for our organization that will save us money as well as provide us with more modern fundraising tools.

For our current donors, March 2018 will be the last month where your card will be automatically charged. Beginning April 1, 2018, you will need to initiate your new monthly gift using the new online donation form: Welcome Home Fund online donation form.

If you would like to update your donation with our new vendor before April 1, please feel free to do so by emailing Renee Cavazos at

If you have any questions or concerns, email Renee at the email address above or Sara Brown at